
Week 39: 9th Inning

Wait, was that a contraction? I can't tell you how many times I've Googled "what does a labor contraction feel like?" The answer is a little murky and, like most things in pregnancy, it depends on the woman. But generally it's lower abdominal cramping, maybe with some back pain and tightening of the uterus. I've been… Continue reading Week 39: 9th Inning


Week 37: Taper Time!

In Ironman training, we often devote the final 3 weeks to tapering, or reducing the volume of training to make sure we're fresh and ready to go on race day. In fact, 4 years ago I wrote a blog post called Week 36: Taper Time! leading up to Ironman Lake Tahoe. 9 months to train for… Continue reading Week 37: Taper Time!


Week 34: M is For… Michigan?

We had our San Francisco baby shower over the weekend and one of the games our hostesses organized was "Guess the Baby Name". Those who follow this blog, and who toured our nursery, saw a big hint which is that the name starts with the letter "M". We had some great guesses but the one… Continue reading Week 34: M is For… Michigan?


Week 31: Rolling with the Punches

I'm literally and figuratively "rolling with the punches" these days. Baby B is kicking more aggressively than ever and while it doesn't hurt, it's a bit more uncomfortable than the adorable flutters and taps from a month ago. I like to imagine Baby in his own swimming pool doing laps, practicing his flip turns, and… Continue reading Week 31: Rolling with the Punches


Week 28: 2nd Trimester Recap

Helloooooo 3rd trimester! Only twelve(ish) weeks to go! I wanted to take this opportunity to recap my pregnancy experience to date, especially the 2nd trimester, as a way to remember all of these precious moments and to answer the questions that I get frequently. Please let me know if you have advice for the 3rd… Continue reading Week 28: 2nd Trimester Recap


Week 26: All The Pineapple

Mark and I just got back from our babymoon in Maui and had the most relaxing, do-nothing trip ever. We had been going full-speed for many weeks, so it was nice to pause, put our feet up, discuss baby-related topics, get massages, watch the beautiful sunrises and sunsets, feel the warm sunshine, and binge on… Continue reading Week 26: All The Pineapple


Week 24: Making Room for Baby

Week 24 is officially the OMG I'm so preggy! stage. I feel great and my belly isn't big enough to feel extra pressure, aches, or feel much different at all. But when I look in the mirror or see a photo of myself I sometimes do a double-take. Whoa! Is that me?? Baby B is growing so… Continue reading Week 24: Making Room for Baby


Week 22: Mind, Body, Baby

5 months down, 4 to go, and feeling great! I love pregnancy; it's seriously fascinating that there's a little human being growing inside of me. And I feel this crazy bond to my belly; talking to it, rubbing it, nurturing it with healthy foods and dousing it in lotion. And now that we're starting to… Continue reading Week 22: Mind, Body, Baby


Week 20: It’s a Boy!

Mark and I are thrilled to announce that we're having a boy!! We found out yesterday with a "silly" gender reveal party using silly string (thanks YouTube). It was so much fun! We are so grateful to be surrounded by so much love, especially from family and friends who happily shower us with blue string… Continue reading Week 20: It’s a Boy!


Week 19: Baby B Would Like to Facetime…

It's been about two months since we last did a Baby Facetime, so we didn't exactly know what to expect. But wow, medical technology is amazing! We got to see the baby's fingers, toes, thumping heart, spine, brain, lungs, ears, mouth, nose, you name it! (We just looked away when they were zooming in to… Continue reading Week 19: Baby B Would Like to Facetime…