
Week 22: Mind, Body, Baby

5 months down, 4 to go, and feeling great! I love pregnancy; it’s seriously fascinating that there’s a little human being growing inside of me. And I feel this crazy bond to my belly; talking to it, rubbing it, nurturing it with healthy foods and dousing it in lotion. And now that we’re starting to feel some kicks, it’s becoming even more real that there is, in fact, a little person in there! So cool and also kinda weird.

At Anne’s wedding. Hand on belly <3. Photo credit: Megan Clouse.

The last couple weeks have been so busy! Mark and I have spent at least 20+ hours at BuyBuy Baby or online at various retailers doing all kinds of research on baby products and gear. It reminds me of getting started in triathlon, but 10x! Does N+1 apply to strollers, too??

We also sold our guest room furniture to make room for baby’s nursery. We’re starting to plan out designs, decor and overall theme. We’re thinking navy blue, grey, white with some cute animals. Can’t wait to pull it all together with Mark!

Adios guest bedroom!

We also switched to a new doctor (technically, it’s a group of midwives) and they’re wonderful and so caring. At my prenatal appointment last week the midwife measured my belly (on track), my weight (+8 lbs which is also on track), blood pressure (perfect) and baby’s heart rate (~150bpm, also very healthy). Every appointment we have is a huge sigh of relief. Phew!

Mark comes to all of my appointments, too, so he can hear Baby B’s heartbeat and ask any of his own questions. I love that he’s been with me every step of the way on this journey. And when it comes to baby gear research, he’s ahead of me on a lot of it!

Last week, Mark and I were sitting on the couch and I could feel the baby moving in my belly. So, I told Mark to put his hand on my belly and BOOM he got a jab! And another! He was laughing and smiling so hard, and so was I. It was such a surreal experience to be able to feel the baby together for the first time. It makes us feel even more connected to Baby B than ever before.

I’m titling this blog, “Mind, Body, Baby” because for the first time in pregnancy I’m becoming aware of the connection between my stress/emotional state (“Mind”), the overall health and strength of my body (“Body”), and the needs of the baby (“Baby”). Those three are are intertwined and completely depend on each other. If I’m relaxed, then I’ll have more emotional energy to exercise and choose healthy options which nourishes Baby B. And if I’m stressed or tired, then I have less energy to take care of myself and Baby. I’m trying my best to be in the former category as much as I can!

Running with GGTC!

On those lines, I’ve been doing prenatal yoga weekly and we often do exercises that naturally channel energy towards Baby (which may sound a little woo-woo to some people but it really helps build that connection). In class we also do 3-minute challenges that are uncomfortable enough (think sitting back on your curled toes or flapping your arms really hard) so that you need to think positively and turn off the voice in your head that’s telling you to stop. As an Ironman triathlete, I have a lot of experience turning off that voice. So, hopefully all of this practice will help in labor and beyond!

This week we’re going to finish our registry, finalize our doula decision, and start selecting a paint color for the baby room. Exciting times!

Here are some things that I love right now:

  • Belly oil! I love this kind from Zoe Organics which I got from my local natural health store. Trying to avoid stretch marks and nourish my growing belly. It’s vegan and organic!
  • Tone it Up videos. I subscribed to their app for $12.99 a month which has On Demand workout videos that you can do at home or at the gym. They have a prenatal section that rocks.
  • Vegan ice cream from Salt & Straw. Omg the Freckled Mint Chocolate Chip with Dandelion Chocolate chips is a dream come true.
  • My pregnancy journal. I’ve been recording all of the little milestones and writing down thoughts almost every day. It’s been such a great way to pause and remember all of these fun moments.

What are some of your favorite pregnancy items?? Let me know!

Saw this in Japantown. So cute!
Last week’s bump-date

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