North Face 50K Training · Training

Tomorrow’s the DAY for my first 50K!

The day before any big race can be wrought with a range of emotions — nerves, excitement, anxiety, edginess, worryness, confidence and/or pumped up. I’m happy to report that I’m full of EXCITEMENT right now and I can’t wait to get on the trails tomorrow. We are so lucky to be able to train and race in the Marin Headlands; it’s unbelievably beautiful out there.

I’ve had so much fun training for the North Face 50K with the Golden Gate Triathlon Club, and especially my running buddy Stephanie. It’s been really hard work, and there were times where we felt completely depleted and defeated from the massive hill climbs and descents. But we powered through and kept a positive attitude along the way — often chatting about our days and encouraging each other. I plan to carry that positivity with me tomorrow as we conquer 31+ miles and 6,700 ft of elevation gain.

My race plan is as follows: 

  • Break up the race in terms of hills, and not mileage. There are 6 massive hills, with roughly 1,000 ft of elevation gain each. So I plan to ‘tick off’ each hill in my head as I progress.
  • Pacing is going to be HUGE. I need to find an easy pace for the first 2 hills before settling into a groove, and then pushing it at the end. I have some experience with this for Ironmans which is a big plus.
  • Nutrition is going to be equally important. I plan to carry Shot Bloks, Picky Bars and water with me. And I’ll also utilize the aid stations for additional food and electrolytes. The goal is to eat something every 30 minutes which will be *really* hard for me. I have trouble eating too much while I run, but I know it’s important to avoid hitting that proverbial wall.
  • I’ll be bundling up in the morning for our 45-degree weather start. I’ll wear gloves, arm warmers that I can shed later in the race as it’ll warm up to 60+ degrees.
  • Time goal? I have NO clue! Somewhere in the 7-8 hour range I think? It’s so hard to know!
  • HAVE FUN! Stay present, smile, stay focused, and have fun!! Because race day is the PARTY!

Thanks for the good luck wishes, and the donations everyone! Here we go!!



50K Map.png

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